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Reducing your scope 3 emissions

Reducing environmental impact

Whether you are doing it from a sustainability perspective, or because you will need to comply with governmental legislations, reducing environmental impact starts with measuring. To reduce environmental impact, businesses are already taking steps in measuring their greenhouse gasses. In this article you will read more about the 'Greenhouse Gas Protocol', sustainability reporting and how co-products can contribute to a reduction in your scope 3 emissions.

Comply with Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

Are you looking for ways to reduce the environmental impact in your company? Although scope 1 and 2 emissions are sources of which the company has a high influence, scope 3 is the area with the highest potential environmental impact. In order to make scope 3 emissions more transparent, companies need to monitor the emissions of upstream and downstream activities as well.

Starting from 2025 many European companies will need to comply with the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). As part of the Green Deal, the CSRD is an extension of the current Non-Financial Reporting Directive for sustainability. Part of the CSRD is to report on your value chain emissions. Within the value chain emissions scope 3 is the most impactful area.

Because scope 3 is the most impactful area, value chain collaboration is needed to reach reporting and reduction targets on scope 3. This cooperation will lead to more transparency in the production cycle and helps to include scope 3 emission data in your reports.

Nicole Timmerman - Business Developer Circular - Company Name

Nicole Timmerman

Business Developer Circular

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