Hi-Pro Soya: Sheep

Hi-Pro Soya: Sheep
Hi-Pro Soya is a very high protein feed produced from the manufacturing of oil. Hi-Pro Soya is one of the best protein feeds available as 95% of the nitrogen present is true protein. Unlike normal soya, Hi-Pro Soya does not contain soya hulls which means it is lower in fibre but higher in protein. Hi-Pro Soya also has useful energy levels enriching any diet which are low in energy and protein.
- Animal groupSheep, Sheep
- Product GroupDry Feeds
- Nutritional CharacteristicsProtein rich, Starch rich
- RegionScotland, Cumbria & Northumberland , Yorkshire, Lancashire & County Durham, North West, South Midlands & South, East Midlands & Eastern Counties, South West
- DeliveryDelivered in bulk tippers of 20T & 29T
- Very palatable
- Very high in protein
- Useful energy
- Enriches the energy content of most diets
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