Silo sensor & dashboard
No more stress! Know with certainty how much product is in your silo

Silo sensor & dashboard
The sensor sends information to an online dashboard about:
- the current content of the silo
- a calculation of the consumption per day
- a calculation of when the silo is empty
- a historical overview
- a notification when the silo has reached a minimum level (via, SMS, email or the dashboard)
The silo sensor dashboard can be used via smartphone, tablet or PC
The sensor can also be fitted to an already existing silo (independent of the silo subscription). If you are a Duynie customer, you will receive the silo sensor on loan at no cost.
Easy to install on an existing silo: the installer comes with a tanker truck to temporarily store the silo's contents. Within 48 hours, the sensor is operational.
Cleaning your silo sensor
To be able to measure values correctly, there must be no contamination or obstructions between the sensor and the feed. Unfortunately, feed plugs or a contaminated sensor can cause readings to deviate.