Potato Stockfeed/Slice: Cattle
Potato Stockfeed/Slice: Cattle
Potato Stockfeed/Slice is an uncooked potato feed containg a high starch content produced at several potato chip manufacturing factories. They consist of whole washed and sliced potato that may have been peeled. This makes them an excellent feed for beef finishing diets and they will enrich the starch content of most dairy diets requiring additional fermentable energy. Potato Stockfeed/Slice have all year availability from several potato chip manufacturing factories located in England.
- Animal groupDairy Cattle, Beef Cattle
- Product GroupMoist Feeds
- Nutritional CharacteristicsEnergy rich, Starch rich
- RegionScotland, Cumbria & Northumberland , Yorkshire, Lancashire & County Durham, North West, South Midlands & South, East Midlands & Eastern Counties, South West
- DeliveryDelivered in bulk tippers of 20T & 29T
- Excellent for finishing cattle
- Delivering high starch to the diet
- Enrich dairy diets requiring fermentable energy
- Kg Co²e per t of product: 5.20
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