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Silo subscription

Our silo subscription allows you to pay for the use of a silo in instalments and enjoy the benefits of liquid feeding from the very first year. The savings on your feed costs are substantially higher than the cost of the silo subscription!

The silo contract

The contract includes the use of the fibreglass storage silo. The transport of the silo is to your premises. The installation on the foundation, maintenance and insurance of the silo is to be arranged by the customer. The contract includes also the free use of the silo sensor and realtime dahsboard!

What are the benefits of feeding liquid co-products?

Increased milk yield

Increased milk yield

Increased Daily Weight Gain (DLWG) and Feed Conversion (FC)

Increased Daily Weight Gain (DLWG) and Feed Conversion (FC)

Improved animal health and fertility

Improved animal health and fertility

Contact us for more info

Would you like to know more about the possibilities of our silo service? Contact us now!