Different kind of paper bag adhesives

Glues fall into two categories: natural and synthetic. Examples of the latter include PVA/EVA based adhesives. Natural adhesives are made from organic sources and are sometimes referred to as bio-adhesives. Common ingredients are starchy products such as wheat, corn, and potatoes. Both natural and synthetic adhesives can be used for paper bags. However, natural glues have the advantage of being sustainable and often biodegradable.

The advantages of natural adhesives

Sustainability is no longer a trend. It is here to stay, and it is part of every company's responsibility to reduce its environmental impact. On top of this, their customers also value sustainability. So it pays for manufacturers to invest in sustainable and biodegradable ingredients. Potato starch-based adhesives are natural and often biodegradable. No PVA, EVA, acrylics or biocides are added. Using natural adhesives automatically makes your paper bags greener and can contribute to your company's sustainability goals.

Reduce your carbon footprint with sidestream adhesives

Clearly, biodegradable adhesives are preferable to synthetic adhesives. But that is not the end of the story. When it comes to starch-based adhesives, there are two options: those containing regular potato starch and those containing sidestream potato starch. The latter is highly advisable. Using sidestream starch instead of whole potatoes offers a sustainability advantage by utilising byproducts rather than entire potatoes. Glue made from this potato starch has a low carbon footprint. So using sidestream biodegradable adhesives for your paper bags also makes the product more sustainable. All Duynie glues are based on sidestream potato starch as part of our circular approach.

Did you know?

Sidestream starch reduces your impact

Looking for ways to reduce your environmental impact? Using sidestream starch significantly reduces Co2 emissions and uses less water and land. Request our LCA.

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Best glue for paper bags

There are many types of paper bags, from kraft bags, SOS bags to fast food bags and carrier bags. As different as these bags may be, they have similar requirements for adhesives. Duynie has developed Novinexx P130, a high viscosity bottom paste that meets all the requirements of a high performance paper bag adhesive:

  • Higher strength than PVA/EVA based alternatives and better performance on high speed machines
  • Thixotropic behaviour, resulting in good and stable flow to the line and adequate glue dispersion
  • Short chain length, making the adhesive suitable for speeds >600 bags/minute, resulting in lower production cost per bag
  • Cold water-soluble, no extra heat required, less waste due to cooking imprecision, resulting in reduced water and heating costs
  • Fast drying time, less than 5 minutes
  • Low splash behaviour
  • No paper penetration

A sustainable alternative to hot melt adhesives

Novinexx P130 contributes to your sustainability goals. Based on sidestream potato starch, the adhesive has a lower carbon footprint (99% renewable) than alternatives — and it is a readily biodegradable paper bag adhesive (OECD 301F). No PVA, EVA, acrylics or biocides are added. Novinexx P130 reduces the environmental impact of paper bags and has a lower climate impact. Novinexx P130 is your best choice for paper bag adhesives.

Duynie: expert in paper bag adhesives

Making the best paper bags requires the best performing glue. At Duynie we understand this and our R&D department has been developing specialised adhesives for many years. In addition to paper bag adhesives, we also offer high quality paper sack adhesives such as Novinexx CPB.

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