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Uso de la tierra


In turn, creating a competition for land between feeding livestock and feeding humans. In some countries, it is not only the competition between livestock and human, but also between livestock and wildlife, for example deforestation or excessive / irresponsible use of water. Utilising co-products as feed for livestock therefore reduces competition for land, water and nutrients.

* For some products, is not possible to state with complete certainty that the land use is indeed zero. For brewer’s spent grains, for example, international calculation rules state that 1% of the land use relating to the cultivation of crops and the brewing of beer must be allocated to brewer’s spent grains as livestock feed.

Los cultivos se destinan principalmente al consumo humano, y no se utiliza tierra agrícola para los coproductos resultantes de la transformación de estos cultivos. En otras palabras, los coproductos no compiten por las tierras de cultivo con la alimentación humana. Por otro lado, los cultivos destinados a la alimentación animal suelen utilizar tierras que podrían destinarse a cultivos directamente destinados al consumo humano.

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