co-products for pigs

Az éghajlat

Az üvegházhatású gázok (CO₂e) kibocsátása hozzájárul az éghajlatváltozáshoz, ami súlyos következményekkel jár a környezetre és az emberiség egészére. A Föld átlaghőmérséklete növekszik, az óceánok vízszintje emelkedik és az időjárás egyre kiszámíthatatlanabbá válik.


These consequences will make themselves felt as more regions around the world become inhospitable to humans, people in coastal areas find themselves at greater risk of floods, and the changing weather contributes to famine and other disasters. 196 countries signed up to the Paris Agreement at COP 21 in 2015, where all countries respresented commited to limmiting their collective carbon footprint. Utilizing co-products helps achieve that.

Our page about carbon footprints explains how using co-products as feed reduces the carbon footprints of both the livestock rations and the final dairy or meat products. The table via the link below illustrates how using co-products as an animal feed resource also saves more CO2 than using them as biomass for energy production. In other words, from a climate perspective, it is more sustainable to use co-products as animal feed than as biomass for energy production: It results in a larger reduction in carbon emissions.

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